The Faeghi family are the name you can trust. They have traded in fine handmade carpets in Persia for many generations. For more than 50 years, Peter Faeghi has shared this lineage with thousands of Australians, offering them authentic works of art to enliven and enrich their homes. All carpets are guaranteed. With showrooms in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth and Darwin, you can buy your carpets from us with confidence.
1 800 1200 028 Toll Free
Western Australia: 181 Stirling Hwy Nedlands WA 6009
Victoria : 941-951 High Street Armadale VIC 3143
South Australia : 18 Dequetteville Tce Kent Town SA 5071
NSW: Unit 1, 1 Celebration Drive Bella Vista NSW 2153
Queensland : 7/32 Park Rd Milton Qld 4064